
Must-Have Apps for Busy Work-from-home Moms

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Gone are the days in which most women have to choose between raising a family or career. Work from home is possible. Work from home moms is the new norm!

What is work from home? It is an opportunity to work at the comfort of your home, time, and pace. Indeed, digital technology has grown when it comes to making lives more convenient to everyone, especially for moms.

Being work from home moms is no joke. Imagine raising a family while you have a career to accomplish. Every day of struggle, challenge, and perhaps stress. But giving up one is not the choice for you to make. Good thing, there are a bunch of work from home apps perfect for busy moms like you.

Today, let’s list down the best, must-have busy moms apps for you and don’t forget to tag along every mom you know who might need this as well. Here we go!

1. ContinuousCare

Health is wealth. As the pandemic continues these days, work from home moms must have this Patient Mobile App. Continuous will let you access your health data, health education, and virtual practice of health services such as video consultation, answering health questions and remote health monitoring. Also, this work from home app helps to know the available health providers in your area.

2. Chorma

Chorma is definitely one of the must-have apps for busy moms, because it allows you to track household chores with your family. Another great feature that it indulges motivation within your home, which may somehow creates a good call for competition to earn points and rewards once a certain task has been fulfilled. This busy moms app will let you worry no more about chores.

3. Trello

Think of it as your digital whiteboard with high -tech sticky notes. Trello is a project management app which suits start-up individuals to medium-sized teams or businesses. This work from home app is designed to help individual or team collaboration easy and keep the project organized through task cards. One unique feature of Trello is the ‘Power-Ups,’ wherein it turns each customized board as ‘living applications’ and allows integration of different features.

4. Asana

Like Trello, Asana is a project management app but has broader features, communication, calendar and timeline formats to differentiate.  Asana is completely project based and organized per se. This is the busy moms app perfect if you handle different projects or clients.

5. Zoom

Digital era lets you electronically meet the team through video conference calls, and one of the top, popular video communication apps that’s best used for most work from home nowadays is Zoom. This is a must-have app for moms like you, because aside from work you can use it for personal things such as e-meeting your family and friends. Zoom is both accessible on computers and smartphones. To add, Zoom has chat features as well and will let you schedule meetings ahead of time.

6. Google Suite Apps

Google is a must-have app for moms. No need for introduction. Google it! Whether for personal or business, G-Suite is all you need. From document sharing to storage space, video conference meetings or calendar management, G-Suite got you. This workspace goes to your list of must-have moms apps.

7. Dragon Dictate

If you have no time answering every email and message you receive, Dragon Dictate is happy to help. This work from home app is a voice recognition software which lets you feel like you have an electronic assistant. Dragon Dictate helps you compose, edit and answer documents, emails and the like. You can dictate anywhere, anytime with the app. With just a matter of minutes, you’re good to reply and answer with just your voice needed.

8. Peanut

This work from home app works like a dating app, which lets you connect to mothers of commonalities. Peanut app lets you grow your connection, share your thoughts about fertility and motherhood, and belongingness to society. Meeting moms of the same situation perhaps will give you things that you might be asking about. This app allows you to e-meet moms across the globe. Remember, it’s always best to have someone to talk to, in good and bad times who has the feelings as you do.

9. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a social media management app that helps you compose schedule posts. Instead of posting everyday, let busy moms apps do the work. Aside from its planner feature, it also allows you to stay engaged with customers through its stream and inbox. This must-have app lets you work anywhere with your computer or smartphones.

10. Canva

This must-have moms app lets you create graphic designs for your social media accounts, project presentations, or any other visual portfolios you need. Canva has a hundred templates to choose from and are ready to download anytime, anywhere. Also, it can be directly connected to your accounts for scheduling of posts.

All these work from home apps are perfect to use for busy moms like you. If you’re still undecided which best suits you and your business, NCDS can help you manage and organize tasks on your behalf. Maybe treat it as your advance Mother’s Day gift to yourself?

NCDS acknowledges the fact of how busy moms can be and might need help. Well, NCDS has various services from social media management to virtual assistance, and more. CONTACT US today and we’d be happy to offer the NCDS virtual assistant services to you and your business. Looking forward to meeting you!


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