
How Podcasts can Help You Reach More Clients

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What do you know about podcasts?

A podcast is a digital audio file on the internet which aims to educate, entertain and convey discussions about a certain topic. A business can generally adapt this strategy to reach more clients by sharing information about the product or service, company profile, or industry related knowledge that can help the audience understand what you do and your business.

The podcast for business is an online opportunity to reach a wider audience and clients. Just like in America, it says that Americans listening to podcasts each week has grown to 120% over the past four years. That typically, around 90 million podcast listeners every month. That’s big and that’s where we want to put your business into. ‘Cause remember, it’s always best to maximise digital platforms for business growth and podcast is a good idea.

As the audience continues to grow in podcasts, now is the best time to create your own podcast for your business, branding, or personal interests. While podcasting and podcast management may sound as you’ll have another set of tasks to handle and fulfill, NCDS will let you know first the advantages of having a podcast.

1. Make online communication authoritative for your business.

When clients want a business that knows the industry, your podcast can help you build that kind of trust. Podcasting may sound hard but it’s not, it’s the best way to communicate your business and brand to your listeners. Speak with authority, expertise and confidence, so that your listeners may feel to listen to you and you what you say. This defines the gap between reading and listening. The listeners can feel your passion and excitement every time you speak, which is unlikely to happen when they read.

2. Build a genuine connection with your audience.

When someone calls you out from behind, what is your usual reaction? That’s where we want you to go. Podcasting can help you build that genuine connection with your listeners. The familiarity of your voice to them can grow a relationship with new clients perhaps. A podcast is a more personal way to reach your target audience, as if they listen and know you. Listeners will keep listening to your podcasts as they acknowledge your voice and presentation style. Podcasting will help you grow your business and brand more. Unlike in reading, a podcast allows the audience to listen while doing other things.

3. Simple, easy and relaxed podcasts.

If you worry that a podcast can cost you buckets of money, well worry not. All you need is a good quality microphone, computer, and audio editing software program. Podcasting is easy to produce, just know your branding and everything will follow. A podcast is much cheaper than any other forms of advertisements.

4. Brand awareness campaign.

One of the key takeaways of podcasting is building a strong brand awareness campaign. Producing regular podcasts won’t do it alone, but rather the familiarity and consistency of your show will give the listeners that integration idea of your programs to business. Overall, a podcast is a form of online advertisement for you and your business.

As podcasting is becoming a very popular medium nowadays. You can start asking yourself questions like: ‘Why should I start to build my own podcast?’ or ‘What will be my podcast about?’ Nanay Cess Digital Services got you! NCDS can help you build a podcast for you or for your business. With NCDS experience in podcast management, NCDS is skilled to manage the podcast for you. NCDS got everything you need!

CONTACT US today and we’d be happy to offer the video/podcast editing and other NCDS virtual assistant services to you and your business. Looking forward to meeting you!


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